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Since when did loving your dog too much cause behaviour problems? Let’s talk about the guilt tripping advice that’s doing more harm than good.
I had to have a rant about this because too many people with dogs —especially first-timers—are being made to feel guilty for simply loving their dogs. 💔
With all the conflicting advice out there, it’s no wonder people feel confused…..
Let’s clear this up over the next few weeks as we unpack each of the points I have highlighted.
#rant #dogtrainers #outdated #trainingmyths #myths #dogtrainersofinstagram
Feb 16
Does your dog take treats like a Land Shark? 🦈 Let’s fix that before you lose a finger!
#landshark #dogsofinsta #dogtrainer #dogtrainers #positivereinforcementtraining
Feb 13
Need help reconnecting with your WILD CHILD?
We’ve got you covered!
Only four spots per class, so we can give you lots of individual time, so hurry and get your booking in!
#teenagedog #teenagedogs #adolescentdogs #dogtrainer #dogtrainers #dogtrainersofinstagram
Feb 11
Having a dog with separation anxiety is challenging on a lot of levels. Let me help you get your lives back on track.
I will listen. I will tailor a recovery plan specific to you and your dog. I will be there for you every step of the way on the good days and the rough ones.
There is no quick fix for separation anxiety, but with time patience, commitment and dedication, amazing results are possible. I can’t wait to celebrate yours!
#separationanxietydog #csat #separationanxiety
Feb 7
Sometimes the answer to a question isn’t quite what you thought it might be…..
Whose fault was it that I got bitten when I did, which was some years ago now - mine of course. I took my eye off the ball and that little girl bit me on the finger!
Management is key……
#dogsofinstagram #chihuahua #dogtrainer #dogbite #jobsafety #chihuahuas #dogaggression
Feb 5
Maggie’s Separation Anxiety resolved in just four weeks!!
The combination of training and the introduction of some anxiety medication (thank you DR Cherlene Lee @myvetanimalhospital) did the trick for this little girl.
Usually separation anxiety training takes longer than this.
This is easily the quickest resolution of a separation anxiety case that I have ever had and I’ve been specialising in this area for a few years now.
Maggie suffered from generalised anxiety from an early age. She was okay to be left alone in the home she grew up in, but when her family moved recently she fell apart when they went to work.
Maggie‘s panicking was no less than any other dogs I have seen. Every single individual displays different symptoms and I never categorise any of them as mild or extreme, as over the years I have learnt that the symptoms do not predict how the training will go.
Some dogs get destructive, chew through doors trying to escape, others self harm or incessantly bark or howl. Whilst others suffer in silence and shiver and shake and drool and hide under the bed.
They are all in a state of panic…. 😞
If you have a dog suffering from separation anxiety and you need some help, I offer a complimentary 30 to 40 minute zoom call to run you through how the training works and the cost etc
If you would like to book for one of these head to the link in my bio, go to my separation anxiety page and fill out the questionnaire and I will be in touch.
#separationanxiety #separationanxietydog #dogtrainer #dogtrainers
Feb 4
The winner of our competition is the gorgeous Spaghetti!
All the other entrants are entitled to 10% off any form of training booked in the month of February!
Thanks to everyone who entered. I look forward to having some serious fun in the ZOOM ROOM with Spaghetti and her mum and dad very soon!
#winnersaregrinners #agility #parkourdog #funwithyourdog
Feb 1
Frankie the BAD ASS Pug and his gang of mates have been bullying a beautiful dog named Whiskey.
Whiskey’s mum and dad contacted me as they were at a loss of what to do about this problem. We put a management plan in place and have been working on building Whiskeys confidence and optimism and I’m pleased to say it’s working!
#Pugs #cockerspanielsofinstagram #reactivitytraining #dogtrainer #sensitivedogs #dogtraining
Jan 28
Do you have a little dog who packs a punch? Peppa certainly does! I often feature her here and her mum told me an amazing story about Peppa helping a complete stranger in a dire situation recently. I plan to feature this soon in my Dog in the spotlight series so stay tuned for that.
What does your little dog do that defies their size? Are they a big dog and a little dog’s body like Peppa? Share their story in the comments or send us a video so we can see what they get up to!
#dachshund #bigdogsinlittlebodies #sassydogs #dogswithattitude #dachshund_love
Jan 26
The environment really affects one’s behaviour. Especially so for a dog named Jenny, who lives with her mum and dad in a busy city suburb of Sydney.
She was completely overwhelmed on her walks and was surrounded by busy traffic, people, other dogs and lots of noise!
However when taken to a much quieter environment, Jenny was able to focus and start to learn new coping skills.
Most people don’t realise that repeatedly exposing a dog to something they are not coping with, no matter what it is, isn’t helpful….
Trigger stacking is real. If you don’t know what it is, I will do a post dedicated to it soon.
Every single dog’s case is different and needs to be treated as such. Jennie’s reactivity is still a work in progress but she is much improved.
If you have a reactive dog who is struggling in a busy area, try changing it up and see if that helps for the interim, until you reach out and get some professional help, which I’d be only too happy to provide….
Tag a friend with a reactive dog, who needs this tip….
#dogsofinstagram #dogtraining #dogtrainer #reactivedog #reactivedogs #reactivedogsofinstagram #triggerstacking
Jan 24