Unleash your dog’s true potential

Separation Anxiety

Struggling to leave your dog at home? Work with a Certified Separation Anxiety Trainer (CSAT) to overcome your dog’s fear of being alone and get your life back on track.

agility parkour chu


Join us for some FUN in the Zoom Room with beginner’s agility! Learn the basics of agility and parkour in our 4-week hybrid course or book in a single private lesson.

Behaviour Consults

Like the sound of an incident-free walk? From basic training and leash-walking frustrations to reactivity-related stress, we can help with any challenges you are facing.

Puppy School

We will help get your pup off to the best possible start and build a bond of trust that will last a lifetime. Let’s turn that snapper turtle into a well-mannered puppy!


Real solutions for dogs that chase things they should not, like bikes, cars, other pets or vacuums. Reduce the stress in your family with a Licensed UnChase!® trainer.

Ready to start working with your woofer?